Sunday, 29 September 2019

Become a Google Analytics Master for just $20

The Ultimate Google Analytics Mastery Bundle

Google Analytics ranks most of the internet. Insight into what sends a site to the top of the search results is invaluable to online business, so Google Analytics skills are used throughout many industries.

Do you want to become one of these aficionados? If so the Ultimate Google Analytics Mastery Bundle has the training you need.

Earn a Google Analytics certification.

This popular online learning kit contains a whopping 43 hours of video tutorials to guide you step-by-step through what this powerful tool can do. From the basics and Google AdWords to SEO and conversion rate optimization, no stone is left unturned.

The training is offered by EduCBA, which has trained over half a million people across more than 40 countries. In particular, this course has received an average score of 4.5 out of five from the satisfied students who have already earned their certification.

The Google Analytics Mastery Bundle:

  • Understand the basics and structure of Google Analytics
  • Learn the practical implementation of Google Adwords
  • Ascertain how Google Charts work
  • Understand SEO and learn the techniques on increasing a site’s traffic
  • Learn the basic concepts of CRO and its tools for website optimization

EduCBA usually sells this extensive training for $399, but the price has been massively slashed in a temporary Tech Deals promotion.

For a few days more, you can get lifetime access to the same training for just $19.99.

You could start your training immediately. Just hit the button below to find out more.

This deal not quite right for you? To see all our hottest deals, head over to the AA PICKS HUB.

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