All About Technology


Saturday 12 September 2020

Toy O-Scope is Dope

Not many of our childhood doll and action figure’s accessories revolved around lab equipment except maybe an Erlenmeyer flask if they were a “scientist.” No, they tended to be toasters, vehicles, and guns. When we were young, our heroes made food, drove sexy automobiles, and fought bad guys. Now that we’re older, some of our heroes wield soldering irons, keyboards, and oscilloscopes. [Adrian Herbez] made a scale model oscilloscope that outshines the beakers and test tube racks of yesteryear. Video also shown below.

On the left side of this ‘scope is a twistable knob that actuates a couple of internal levers to bend a neon green rubber band. The levers and background are black, so it all blends to look like a screen while the band approximates a sine wave. [Adrian]’s scope will up the game of any bread toasting, Lambo driving, tacti-cool ninja hunter. The thin rubber band would look more like a sawtooth than a sine at larger scales, but maybe that’s perfect for your Viking-cyborg-DJ-hairdresser. What would a miniature version of you have in their lab?

We love seeing new toys with a modern appeal like this ‘scope, but we respect vintage toys. Hacker parents do a fine job keeping things fresh and lively for their wee ones.

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